Best wishes to you and your family and I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah and Happy Kwanza.

Musings of a Madman
My hope is that we look back in twelve months and that things not only look better, but that people wonder why they didn't invest more money when they had the chance.
Here are a list of the top 10 things to know about the TFSA.
From lendors who gave out loans like the government gives out bailouts
Lenders then sold the "mortgages" as great "investments" to investment dealers
People in the US then used their homes as giant ATM's
People in the US spent more than their homes were worth
The sub prime meltdown made mortgage default rates increase
This then led to the mortgage "investments" going sour
Which led to the financial crisis we find ourselves in
Which led to the bailouts by governments around the world
Which leads us back to government telling consumers to "spend money" to help support the economy, which means you now go back to the top of the flow chart and repeat the process until our children's children's children can pay for it.
George Vasic is the Equity Strategist and Chief Economist for UBS Securities Canada Inc. In this capacity he is responsible for the Canadian market and economic outlook, sector rotation and asset mix recommendations. He has consistently ranked in the top 5 in both the strategy and economics categories, has won several awards for forecast accuracy, is widely quoted in the media, and for five years was a contributing editor to Canadian Business magazine.
Obviously, Mr. Vasic made this rather bold statement due to his lack of knowledge, or because he wants the entire business community to percive him as having gone off the deep end. He woudn't actually say something like that because of a deep-seated belief that things are ripe for a quick turnaround now would he? More and more people "in the know" are pointing to a bottoming for the market, and if you would harken back to past blogs, you would see the date December 4, 2008 as a predicted market bottom from yours truly (courtesy of the work of very smart people). We will see how accurate these forecasts are over the coming weeks.
This now brings us to the point of this blog entry. Will you be a buyer of RRSP's during the annual "RRSP season"? It's like walking into a mall and the sign says "Everything 50% off". The only difference is this - we don't know when markets will rise and waiting to see may mean paying higher prices. In talking with clients over the past month or two, most of them have taken the approach to "stay the course" and continue doing what they have always done in the past.
The mole seems to know what you should do. Who or what is the mole you ask? He is a writer for CNN Money Magazine and in the this recent article, he certainly hits the nail on the head. He makes one very important point, "I ask about risk tolerance only to make the point that hypothetically losing half of your portfolio doesn't inspire the same fear that actually losing it will". Now before someone emails me or comments that they didn't know they had lost half of their money, that is nnot the case. However, I firmly believe that the recent market drop will help people better understand the importance of long term planning based on good sound judgement.
If you believe that your retirement will be taken care of by the government, or you would rather "live for today" and forget tomorrow, then ignore me. For everyone else out there, remember the following - markets go up and markets go down. This is not new - it has been going on since markets began. When markets jumped up dramatically last week, I wondered about the "prediction" for a second bottom on or around December 4th. Yesterday's results reminded me that history does tend to repeat itself. Nonetheless, last month, in an article by Shawn Tully, Fortune magazine stated the following:
"If you buy now and wake up in 10 years, you'll probably get a return around the historic average," said Yale economist Robert Shiller. In the near term, however, Shiller - who correctly predicted the implosion of the stock-market and real-estate bubbles - is more cautious. "There is a substantial risk that with all this economic turmoil, stocks will fall far lower," he warned.
Heed my warning:
Most of us will live to get old and retire. If you don't save money, then you won't have money. Do you know the difference between an old man and an elderly gentleman? $1000 per month.